Your child's education begins here!
Care for all ages at Junior Bears
Our curriculum encourages children to participate in activities by “doing.” Our action-packed days are full of fun and purposeful play that encourages your child to develop their cognitive, emotional, social and linguistic skills at their own individual pace. These fundamental skills, along with positive reinforcement, form the basis of a child’s “love-of-learning” attitude that serves as a powerful influence for your child throughout their educational journey.

Our Learning Environment
Our learning environment is expressed through music, games, technology, experiments and language activities, all of which build child's confidence in encourages self-expression and self-discovery of a child.​

Core Learning Principles
Junior Bears has created a set of core learning principles to ensure consistency in our curriculum and child development. We follow these guidelines very closely, which we believe will provide an excellent environment for children as they grow up through all age groups at Junior Bears Childcare.

through Inquiry

Our children are encouraged to explore and investigate to see how things work and why things happen. Our teachers use inquiry-based learning to build on children's spontaneous desire for exploration and gradually guide them to become more focused and systematic in their observations and investigations.

Children grasp ideas more quickly and effectively and maintain their interest in school when they have an educational program that enables them to connect their learning to their own lives and the world around them. Here at Junior Bears, we believe in implementing our learning concepts into real-life context, which enables the children to bridge the gap between how their actions, individually and collectively, effect themselves, others and their surroundings and
the environment.
in Real-life Context
Children of today are the Global Citizens of Tomorrow

Integrated Learning

Your child will be introduced to concepts in a variety of ways to deepen their understanding of the specific skills and concepts being learned. For example, the mathematical concept of "the pattern" may be introduced and reinforced in activities using music, read-a-longs, craft projects and natural objects. Integrated learning allows children to make meaningful and confident connections between program areas, resulting in a highly motivated and enthusiastic child.